Monday 17 December 2012

Menu Plan Monday - Dec 17, 2012

In our jammies, hot chocolate in hand, heading out to check out the Christmas lights!!
Wow, am I ever behind today! I know I haven’t posted in a week, but we have been enjoying our Advent activities so much that by the time I have the girls home and in bed every night I’m pooped and heading to bed myself!

This weekend we only had two parties! It was awesome to be able to enjoy both events without having to rush off to make somewhere else before the next party started!! We made these adorable snowman cupcakes for the parties. The kids loved them, and the adults did too!

On the Menu This Week:

Monday: Leftovers from the delicious family dinner at my brother’s house! YUM!
Tuesday: Beer battered fish and chips
Wednesday: Turkey Burgers and salad
Thursday: Veggie Pizza and Salad
Friday: Turkey Tacos
Saturday: Perogies and farmer sausage
Sunday: Roasted turkey breast, mashed potatoes and veggies

I will be linking my menu plan to Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday – Check it out for hundreds of menus and meal ideas!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the jammies. Love the cupcakes! Merry Christmas. Visiting from Menu Plan Monday.
