Monday 10 December 2012

Menu Plan Monday – Dec 10, 2012

Good morning everyone! Well, we survived the party weekend! Five parties in one weekend made for some chaos, but mostly a lot of fun! This weekend we only have two parties, so it should be much more relaxed!

On Sunday, I had ten lovely ladies over for my 7th Annual Cookie Exchange. I’ll be putting together a post on how to throw a successful (and delicious) cookie exchange, along with the recipe that I made for the party. 
This week’s menu is a mix of family favorites, and quick, easy meals. 
On the Menu This Week:
Monday: Guinness brats, scalloped potatoes and beans
Tuesday: Chicken Alfredo Pasta
Wednesday: Lasagne Wednesday
Thursday: Fish and Chips
Friday: Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry
Saturday: Neighbourhood Christmas dinner! We are bringing mashed and roast potatoes!
Sunday: Family dinner at my brother’s house! We are bringing some super cute cupcakes. I’ll share the recipe and how-to next week!

I will be linking my menu plan to Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday – Check it out for hundreds of menus and meal ideas!!

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