Sunday 23 December 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Hey guys! Did you miss me? Sorry I have been MIA for the past couple of weeks. Between getting ready for Christmas, the shopping, wrapping, card writing, baking, reading Christmas books, going to parties and of course our Advent calendar activities life has been super hectic. I usually work during the day and blog when the kids go to bed.
The bean making presents for her classmates:)
The past few weeks have been filled with advent activities that keep us up past bedtime and making for a super tired mama! Unfortunately when it comes to fitting in all of the activities for the kids, making time for the hubs and spending time with loved ones, something has to fall by the wayside, and for me, that’s my blogging time. 
Just SOME of the Christmas baking that went on in our house!
I have been pretty diligent about taking photos of our adventures and our baking fun so I can post them later. I am hoping to plan a Christmas in January to post all of the fun we have had in December!
In case I don’t have a chance to get back on here until after next week, Merry Christmas everyone! I hope God blesses you and your family with joy and peace this year. With all of the tragedy in the world, especially the senseless loss of lives in Connecticut two weeks ago, I want to encourage you to hold your children close. 
Spend as much time with your family as you can this Christmas. At the end of the day, no matter how hard you work or how much time you spend blogging or surfing the internet, nothing is as important as the time you spend making memories with family and friends.
Merry Christmas!!

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