Monday 3 December 2012

Menu Plan Monday - Dec 3, 2012

What a whirlwind! Another successful charity event for the ladies in my family! We all got together, had a fantastic potluck lunch and gathered up a HUGE pile of baby supplies for donation to our local children’s charity Basics for Babies. I’m so proud of the ladies in my family! They are certainly a beautiful and thoughtful bunch!
What a lovely bunch of ladies and a big pile of donations!!
We also had three other parties this weekend, and had a great time at all three! I’m almost glad to be back at work this week, almost! I’m counting down the days until Christmas vacation. Lucky for me, the girls are SUPER excited every morning to wake up and see what activities mommy and daddy have planned in the Advent calendar. So far we have seen a Christmas movie as a family (Rise of the Guardians, SO GOOD!) and put together a box of food for the food bank. Up tonight? Make a paper chain and a new ornament for the Christmas tree!

With five more events scheduled for this weekend, at least I know I won’t have to do a lot of cooking this week! In fact, with the prep work required for the cookie party this weekend, a lot of our dinners will be of the frozen variety! Sorry hubby!!
On the Menu This Week:
Monday: Garlic Bread Pizza
Tuesday: Teriyaki Salmon, with rice and veggies
Wednesday: Homemade beer battered fish and chips
Thursday:  Chicken and cheese calzone
Friday: Work Christmas Party #1
Saturday: Work Christmas Party #2
Sunday: Cookie Party Day!! Dinner will likely be the leftover appetizers and cookies!

I will be linking my menu plan to Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday – Check it out for hundreds of menus and meal ideas!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm making a blog visit from Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday today.
    Wow! You are the Party Lady! Congratulations on your donation. What an amazing group of ladies.
    I have lots of chicken in the freezer so I'm always looking for tasty chicken recipes.
    It's a sunny and warm day in Las Vegas. I've been living on the West coast for 18 years. It's funny when friends, from Maine, will mention that they're shoveling snow I caught off guard. That's right, you're dealing with snow!
    Hope you have a wonderful and delicious week!
