Monday 5 November 2012

Menu Plan Monday - November 5, 2012

It’s a short cooking week for me this week! I’m heading out of town with some girlfriends for a Christmas shopping extravaganza!!
I was thinking about maybe making a menu plan including when I am away, but most of you know that my husband doesn’t cook – and he certainly isn’t going to cook two different meals every night (one for him and one for the kids – they don’t eat people food!).
Next week hopefully I’ll be able to try out a few new recipes from my new cookbook and if there are some good ones, I’ll be sure to share!
On the menu this week:
Monday: Tortellini with Crockpot Red Sauce and garlic bread
Tuesday: Teriyaki salmon with rice and veggies - This one keeps coming up on the menu plan, but keeps getting missed! I swear I’m going to make it this week!
Wednesday: Lasagne Wednesday!
Thursday: Guinness brats, scalloped potatoes and beans
Friday \
Saturday > Mommy is away! Daddy is on dinner duty!!
Sunday /

I will be linking up my menu plan with OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday - you should check it out!!

1 comment:

  1. I’m stopping by for a visit from Organizing Junkie, Menu Plan Monday.
    It's nice to have some meals already prepared for those rough pain days. I can just ask the hubby and son to heat it up.
    This time of year can definitely add up. I’m working on my shopping lists for this week, looking for sales. We’re not having turkey this Thanksgiving. The choices are pizza or homemade lasagna. We’re turkey’ed out!
    Everything looks so delicious.
    I hope you have a wonderful week.
