Tuesday 6 November 2012

Simple Living Lesson #3 - Quiet

FAIL! I knew this would be a tough one. Lesson #3 in the Simple Living: Thirty Days to Less Stuff and More Living is titled "Quiet." It promotes silence for 10 to 20 minutes per day to reflect.
I took this photo from the top of Diamond Head in Waikiki, so beautiful
To catch up on the first few lessons, here are Lesson #1 and Lesson #2.

I knew that with two small kids and a husband who works afternoons that carrying out twenty minutes a day for quiet solitude was going to be next to impossible.

Throw in Hallowe'en parties, trick or treating and a packed weekend and Quiet was completely unattainable!

I know that living simply would probably be easier if our family were less scheduled, had more "us-time" and actually took time for self reflection and meditation.

I also know that I have to try harder. I need to make time for silence. I need to make more time to teach my girls the value of silent reflection.
photo source
I am not happy to have failed at this week's simple living lesson. I hope to make a plan to stop, reflect and smell the proverbial roses. Just not this week - my calendar is all booked up!

Join me next week for Simple Living Lesson #4 - called "Surface". I just took a quick look at the first paragraph - it's going to be a big project!

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