Sunday 4 November 2012

40 Bags in 40 Days - Progress #1

Week one is finished!! How did you all do? Did you manage to fill five bags of stuff to send out of your home? I did!
I gathered my supplies and my sidekicks (plastic bags, and my two girls!) and got to work!
The first five areas on the list coincided with another series that I am participating in, Simple Living Lessons. The second lesson was examining the chaos "underneath" - starting with your underwear!
I started with my drawers, and moved along to the hubs' unmentionables, each of the girls' socks and undies drawers and finally the cupboards in my bathroom.
In each area, my goal was to fill a bag with things that either didn't fit, didn't work, or just plain needed to go.

The first thing we did was take everything out of each of the drawers, then sort through them to see which items didn't belong. Check out these tights we found in Miss A's sock drawer - size 18 MONTHS!!

40 Bags   in   40 DaYs
Next week on the list are the following five areas:

6. Clothes - My pants and skirts
7. Clothes - My tops (pretty sure this will net MORE than one bag!!)
8. Clothes - My workout wear
9. Clothes - Brett's tshirt collection
10. Clothes - Brett's sweaters and shirts

This week may be a little tougher, because although the hubs has WAY more clothes than me, for some reason he loves all of the ill-fitting shirts, free stuff from beer cases and random sports accoutrements in his side of the closet. Hopefully some early warning of the project will make it a little easier on him.

What's on your list for the week? Which areas of your house are you going to tackle? Good luck!!!


  1. i got rid of two large black garbage bags thanks for the inspiration Rachel!!
