Monday 3 June 2013

Menu Plan Monday - June 3, 2013

Oh what a glorious morning! The perfect way to start a week filled with sun, fun and adventures! We had a lovely weekend away camping. 


The girls went horseback riding with their cousin and we had gourmet s’mores made with fancy chocolate. All in all, it was a perfect weekend.

Even though I haven’t been posting them on the blog, I have tried to keep on menu planning through the chaos of the past few weeks. 

We had a new addition to our family, my sweet little nephew Pierce (more on him in another post to come!) and Miss A competed in her first ever Feis (Irish Dancing competition). 

All of this real life excitement has kept me from posting to my online life here.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you all have a fantastic week!

On the menu this week:

Monday: Dinner on the go! Between dance and swimming lessons, we’ll have to grab something en route!
Tuesday: Beef tacos and cheese quesadillas

Wednesday: Ravioli Lasagne
Thursday: Roast pork, salt and pepper potatoes and veggies
Friday: Shake and bake chicken with rice
Saturday: Father’s Day dinner with my in-laws
Sunday: Steak, stuffed mushrooms and baked potatoes

I’ll be linking my menu plan up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday – check it out!!

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