Sunday 9 June 2013

Menu Plan Monday - June 10, 2013

Hello everyone! I hope you had a fantastic weekend! We had amazing weather and spent the weekend doing family stuff - we cleaned the house, had dinner with family, I got to have brunch with some lovely ladies and the hubs took the kids for a bike ride. All in all a perfect weekend!

Things are finally starting to calm down schedule-wise for us. The girls' activities are finally winding down for summer. Miss A is finished Irish dancing today, and she can't wait to give her teachers the presents we put together last week. I'm putting the finishing touches on the post showing how we threw together a summer fun kit for the teachers in our lives.

This week when not chauffeuring my children around town I'll be spending my nights in the kitchen, oven on! Miss A has a summer birthday, so she always brings "un-birthday" cupcakes to her classmates to celebrate her upcoming birthday. She has already requested caramel cupcakes with chocolate drizzle. I think my girls are spoiled in the cupcake department for sure!

We are also having a birthday celebration at work this week and I volunteered to make the cake. I think a chocolate/chocolate/chocolate cake is in my future!

I am proud to say that we managed to stick to last week's menu plan! We had proper dinners every night of the week, and that almost never happens! We usually cave at least once, but last week we ate healthy, nutritious meals every night we were home.

On the Menu This Week:

Monday Dinner on the go for the kids, pizza for the hubs

Tuesday Teriyaki steak stir fry with veggies

Wednesday Turkey burgers and yam fries

Thursday Savory pasta with prawns and vegetables

Friday Camping!!

Saurday Camping!!

Sunday Father's Day dinner with family

I’ll be linking my menu plan up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday – check it out!! 

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