Thursday 23 May 2013

All Natural Oven Cleaner

Hello my friends! Hope you are having a fantastic week so far! I can't believe I am actually going to put these before photos on the internet for the world to see. I am so embarrassed that this disaster exists in my house. Well, it existed, it's gone now, thankfully!

My kitchen gets a LOT of action. I make about 15 full dinners a week (since my kids don't actually eat the same dinner I make for the hubs and I) and I bake two to three times a week. My oven is on all day and night some days - it takes many hours to bake 200+ cupcakes! The end result of all of this baking, cooking and frozen pizza heating is a really, really nasty looking oven.

I absolutely HATE using my self-clean option on the oven. I hate that it takes four hours, that it puts my smoke detectors on overdrive and it makes my entire house smell like ash. I am also not a fan of using harsh chemicals to clean the oven. The last time I used those I thought my throat was closing up on me! So, I took to Pinterest to find an all natural (and hopefully cheap!) way to get my nasty oven clean.

The only two ingredients in my cleaning arsenal this afternoon were extremely inexpensive and items I have on hand all the time - white vinegar and baking soda. I used almost an entire box of baking soda for this project, but I think that's likely because my oven was so gross!

I just took the baking soda and layered a large amount all over the surfaces on the oven, inside the door, on the base of the oven. 

Then poured a bunch of white vinegar all over the surfaces. The powder/vinegar combo sizzles a little when the ingredients combined.
I set the timer for 20 minutes, and took a little puzzle break with my kitchen helper. When the timer buzzed, it was time for the elbow grease. 

I'm not gonna lie, it took a LOT of elbow grease to get the mess out of my oven. Make sure you have some old kitchen cloths to do the scrubbing, because they will need to be trashed after! I probably scrubbed for a good 20-30 minutes to get all of the gunk off. 

However, a total time commitment of an hour (from baking soda to waiting and scrubbing) and my oven was clean without my house smelling like chemicals or smoke!

When the oven door dried, there was a little bit of white residue from the baking soda/vinegar, but it wiped away easily with a wet cloth. Thanks for stopping by for a read today! Hope these little tips can help your kitchen to sparkle!

Linking to Joyful Homemaking, Not Just a Housewife and A Bowl Full of Lemons.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You will need to put the large pan of boiling water on the bottom shelf of your oven and the bowl of ammonia on the top shelf; let sit overnight. Then remove the bowl and pan. Let oven air out by leaving the oven door open. Next step: Clean your oven. Use the ammonia with a few drops of dishwashing liquid to clean and make your oven smell fresh.

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  3. First let me say your children are beautiful! As a redhead I always love to see other children with golden hair like this - you must be very proud :) I've read a ton of blog posts recently about using baking soda and this is easily the most straight-forward - thanks! I admittedly went down the professional route initially - ffter trying oven cleaning kent and oven cleaning birmingham I thought I was set -but look at your amazing before and after photos :O

    After the "step back and enjoy your oven" photo did you consider doing the whole process again to see if the remaining stubborn stains would vanish? OK what am I saying - who wants to clean a cooker once, let alone twice! ;) Still, thanks a lot :)

  4. Cleaning the cooker is amongst the nearly all tedious and time-consuming chores, in accordance with the majority of men and women. Yet another reason is usually that will Oven Cleaning gold coast involve using severe compound remedies.

  5. Beautiful kids :D Thanks for the post - very imformative!

  6. Thanks for the advice. I've recently started trying a few green/natural/checmical free techniques, it's been kind of eye opening to see what you can achieve without toxic chemicals! My husband and I spend quite a lot of time away from home at work, but with a few teenage kid yet to leave home the place can get a bit messy, it has to be said! Particularly the cooker... they don't seem to enjoy cleaning that themselves :P Both our home and holiday home are fairly modest in size so we can manage most of it ourselves even with our busy schedules, though we have in the past used professional companies to come in and do the cookers. The two we use are oven cleaner sutton coldfield and oven cleaner medway, and it's nice to know that as well as doing a fantastic job, they don't use harsh chemicals either. But whether you go for that route or the D.I.Y. route, you can always get a decent job done without nasty chemicals! Thanks again for the informative post :)

  7. Thanks for the interesting information - there's nothing better than a clean, fresh, neatural house and one of the best ways of achieving this is through your carpets! As well as DIY solutions I also like to recommend oven cleaning birmingham professional companies to people because you can often surprise yourself at the price and how natural their cleaners are. Great post, thanks again.

  8. Just a quick comment to say thanks a lot for your post and also ask (including other commenters) if they have ever had to clean a cooker when moving in to a new house and has that made a difference to how they've cleaned it? I don't know what it is but I just can't bring myself to cleaning someone else's grease and grime, especially in the oven! I don't know if I'm weird but it really makes me cringe haha. I usually get my OH to do it, but I have been known to get the professionals in too I won't lie! When we last lived in the area I got oven cleaning sutton coldfield to come and do it. Anyone else?

  9. Rachael, adorable pictures of your daughters! Real cuties.

    When are you going to come and clean my oven?? I had oven cleaning sheffield come and clean mine last year but it is now ready for doing again :(

    Does baking soda/vinegar really work so well?? I am going to give your guide a go before I call the professionals out again.

  10. ASCS (All Seasons Cleaning Solutions) promises you genuine feelings of serenity that your residential and business contract cleaning administrations will be completed to a to a great degree high caliber. Here are different alternatives for the household cleaning, contract cleaning, oven cleaning service, understudy cleaning, office cleaning, house keeping, business cleaning, regular cleaning and cover cleaning.

  11. You've presumably heard it previously: A broiler's self-cleaning capacity can be excessively stinky. So stinky, truth be told, I don't suggest running it, all things considered, ever. Since there's a superior way. Ahead of the special times of year, it's as great a period as any to discuss that better way. You can get your deposit back on us for the service.

  12. Spread the glue everywhere on the inside surfaces of your broiler, avoiding the warming components for oven cleaning. I utilized gloves for this bit, as my broiler was quite dingy. It assisted me with arriving and coat the dirtiest little hiding spots without agonizing over all that grime under my nails. The preparing soft drink will turn a tannish tone as you focus on it; it likewise may be chunkier in certain spots than others, which is fine. Simply attempt to cover the entire broiler as well as could be expected, giving additional consideration to an especially oily territories.

  13. In each kitchen Oven is an extremely normal family electrical machine which is useful in our every day life. We cook and do other valuable family work with the assistance of broiler in minutes. In any case, whenever we are finished utilizing the Oven, we generally neglect or miss to clean our stoves and because of which steadily we begin dealing with issues in our day by day today life.
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