Tuesday 21 May 2013

Ravioli Lasagne Recipe

Hello my friends! I hope today finds you healthy and happy :) I'm back today with a delicious recipe to share with you. I was inspired by my husband, and his love for all things cheese when putting together this dinner. It was a definite hit and I'm sure your family will love it too.

I'm not going to lie and tell you that this recipe is low-fat or healthy, because it's not! It's rich and delicious and I will definitely be making this recipe again and again. But in moderation, of course, and served with a side salad!!

You could use any type of ravioli for this recipe (and if you're really talented, you could use homemade ravioli, but I'm not that talented!). I found ravioli stuffed with farmer's sausage, my husband's absolute favorite thing. I added one of my favorite ingredients, Boursin cheese.

I was really hoping for leftovers of this meal that I could bring to work for lunch the next day, but there were none. My husband ate the ENTIRE dish of lasagne!

Ravioli Lasagne


1 package prepared fresh ravioli noodles
1 brick Boursin cheese (I used garlic and fine herb)
2 cups prepared pasta sauce (I used my crockpot marinara sauce and added ground chorizo sausage, but any sauce will work)
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese


Preheat your oven to 375F. In a medium bowl, break apart the Boursin cheese and combine with shredded mozzarella.

In an 8x8 baking dish layer your ingredients. Start with 1/3 of your sauce mixture. Next place a layer of ravioli noodles on the sauce, and cover with 1/3 of the cheese mixture. Repeat two more times, ending with the last of the cheese mixture.

Cover the baking dish with tin foil and bake your delicious lasagne for about 45 minutes, until the cheese is luscious and melty. Remove the foil and keep baking for another 5-10 minutes so the top layer of cheese bakes up nice and crispy.

I hope you love this recipe as much as we did! Thanks for stopping by for a read today, I really appreciate it!

Linking to Joyful Homemaking, Not Just a Housewife and A Bowl Full of Lemons.

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