Monday 6 May 2013

Menu Plan Monday - May 6, 2013

Oh what a glorious morning! The perfect way to start a week filled with sun, fun and adventures! We had a lovely weekend filled with bbq dinners with amazing people.

We actually managed to stick to our menu plan pretty successfully last week! Yay! The ravioli lasagne that I created for dinner one night was amazing and I’ll have the recipe all ready for you guys tomorrow hopefully.

The weather this week is supposed to be amazing all week long. I am looking forward to stooping with the neighbours during the week and then having a few lovely dinners with my mom and my mother in law on the weekend. I was really hoping to get a super cute Mother’s Day craft done and ready for the blog this week, but I just don’t see that happening with weather like this!!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you all have a fantastic week!

On the menu this week:

Monday: Lasagne Monday
Tuesday: Perogies and Guinness brats
Wednesday: Teriyaki salmon, rice and salad
Thursday: Beef tacos & cheese quesadillas
Friday: Shake and bake chicken with mashed potatoes
Saturday: Mother’s Day dinner #1
Sunday: Mother’s Day dinner #2

I’ll be linking my menu plan up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday – check it out!!

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