Monday 29 April 2013

Menu Plan Monday - April 29, 2013

Good morning!! Happy Monday everyone! After a couple of crazy busy weekends and baking a couple of hundred cupcakes, I’m back and ready to menu plan!

For the past couple of weeks we have been menu plan-less. Meaning we had to (GASP!) willy-nilly make meal planning decisions – never a good thing in our house. The first week I was attending wedding events for the beautiful bride in the photo above (doesn’t she look gorgeous!!). Mandy’s wedding events meant that I was eating delicious Indian food all week long! The downside of that is the hubs was working so he had to fend for himself most of the week. Since I usually cook dinner at least five times a week, I felt bad leaving the hubs to fend for himself!

Miss A's dance performance night - sorry for the lighting, but doesn't she look cute??
I am trying out a new recipe this week. We usually have lasagne for dinner at least once a week, on a night when the kids have dance/swimming/some other event. Most weeks we have a Costco lasagne that we cook on those evenings. I saw a recipe (not sure where, but probably on Pinterest) for a lasagne that is made with ravioli noodles instead of regular lasagne noodles. I picked up some yummy filled ravioli last night and will be trying out a complete made up recipe later this week. If it turns out as fantastic as I hope it will, I will be sure to share with you all!
Just SOME of the cupcakes I made for Miss A's performance night:)
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you all have a fantastic week!

On the menu this week:

Monday: Roast Chicken, Rachel Salad & buns
Tuesday: Cashew Chicken in the crockpot, stir fry veggies and rice
Wednesday: Ravioli Lasagne (recipe to come!)
Thursday: Chicken parmesan, spaghetti with red sauce
Friday: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and veggies in cheese sauce
Saturday: Dinner with our friends Kim & Mark!
Sunday: Salmon, Rice and veggies

I’ll be linking my menu plan up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday – check it out!!

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