Monday 15 April 2013

Menu Plan Monday - April 15, 2013

Good morning!! I hope you are having a fantastic Monday! We had a great weekend here, lots of playing outside, Miss A finally figured out how to ride a pogo stick, and Miss E sunk a few baskets on our neighbourhood kid-sized basketball hoop. We all had a great time.
Yes, I gave my kids knives - they picked out peppers and wanted to learn to cut them!
As many of you know, I have a VERY picky six year old eater on my hands. Miss A only eats about 6 things on a regular basis. It’s absolute torture when planning dinner at a friend’s house, or a big family feast – we know she’s either going to eat a bun with butter, or we have to bring our own food for her. Well, last week we started a new bribery scheme challenge with Miss A. She gets to pick what new items she wants to try and when she tries at least a bite, she gets to fill in a square on her chart. When the chart is full, she can pick a Lego set from the toy store.

Yes, I know that this means I am basically paying my child to eat, but I’m at the point where I will try anything!! I tried the cookbook where you “sneak” veggies into your kids food, but sneaking cauliflower into meatloaf only works if your kid will eat the meatloaf!!

I don’t know how much actual cooking I’m going to get done this week!! My friend is getting married and is having a full on Indian wedding, so this week I will be getting all done up for a Ladies Party, Wedding and Reception! Throw in Miss A’s dance performance night, and there are a whole bunch of nights I don’t need to cook dinner! Oh well, that gives me time to suss out some new recipes for next week’s menu.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you all have a fantastic week!

On the menu this week:

Monday: Lasagne Monday!
Tuesday: Stuffed chicken, potatoes, veggies & stuffing
Wednesday: Dinner out at the Ladies Party! Pizza for the hubs & kids
Thursday: Meatloaf, spaghetti with homemade marinara sauce
Friday: Perogies, beans and Guinness brats
Saturday: Miss A’s Dance Performance!
Sunday: Wedding Reception! Indian food tonight!

I’ll be linking my menu plan up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday – check it out!!

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