Tuesday 30 April 2013

Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce

Hello my friends! Hope this lovely day finds you happy and healthy.

I am so excited to share a recipe with you today! For those of you who know me well, you know my favorite restaurant is White Spot. I freaking love White Spot. They make the best burgers, and have awesome fries. No meal would be complete, however without my favorite White Spot Honey Mustard dip for my fries (and occassionally for my burger!).

Over the years I have bought every type of honey mustard on the market trying to find one that tasted like my favorite dip. It simply does not exist. Rather than give up, I have honed my honey mustard making skills over the years and have come up with a nearly perfect honey mustard. I think if I tried this recipe with full fat mayonnaise, it may well be perfect.

This recipe makes a fairly large batch, but with the amount of chicken nuggets and fries we go through in my house, it doesn't actually last that long!

Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce

1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
1/2 cup honey
1/4 regular mustard
1-2 tbsp curry powder

In a medium bowl, whisk together all of the ingredients. Chill in the fridge for 20-30 minutes to allow all of the flavors to come together. Serve with chicken strips, french fries, or anything really!!

Store in the fridge in an airtight container.

Thanks for stopping by for a read today! 

Linking to Joyful Homemaking, Not Just a Housewife and A Bowl Full of Lemons.


  1. Thank you! I too sometimes put the whitespot honey mustard in my burgers heh heh. When I can I can't wait to try this recipe out! Thanks again!

  2. I tried this and it was close but not quite right. It had the taste kinda but the texture was all wrong. After a year of trying I am very close now to the formula. I need a couple tweaks to get the color right, but the texture and taste are spot on. Pun Intended. lol

  3. Woohoo ! I've tried to buy honey mustard already made or packages of mix. But in the photo I see the type of curry powder you are using... I think you may be on to something ;)

  4. Wonderful recipe! Just what I was looking for, I used trader Joe's curry powder and it's almost a perfect match!

  5. Amazing! This recipe is so bang on! I’ve even asked white spot if I can buy a jar from them but it was a nope. Thank you for this recipe- My whole family loves it!!

    1. oh you answered a question - So they won't sell it? - I was going to ask for a jar too!
