Wednesday 17 October 2012

Simple Living Challenge

A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to review an awesome book: Simple Living: 30 Days to Less Stuff and More Life. It is a fantastic book with a ton of great ideas. The author calls her book the crash course on how to simplify your life.
I was lucky enough to be able to give away three copies of Lorilee Lippincott's book to some loyal blog readers - I hope Mandeep, Erin and Fiona are enjoying it!!

I love the book and all of Lorilee's ideas in the book so much that I am going to work my way through the book, one challenge at a time. The challenge is set in the book to accomplish all of the tasks in 30-60 minute assignments, one for each day of the month. I know that I don't have time in the day to commit to completing in a month, so I'll take on one challenge a week!
the view from my running route...
Each week I will pose the challenge for the week and my suggestions on way to make the challenge successful. The challenges in Simple Living range from easy things like simplifying your email inbox or your junk drawer to really hard things like examining and simplifying your budget.
aaaah, the simple life....
I hope that some of you (or all of you!!) will follow along and challenge yourselves to live your life more simply. I can say for myself that trying to live in a more intentional way has given me great happiness. I spend more time with those I love, doing the things I love - and it's amazing.
Thanks for reading!!

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