Tuesday 16 October 2012

New Directions, A New Plan

Hello again! Remember me? I used to be pretty good about blogging - I would work, parent, bake, organize and play all while taking pictures - then let all of you hear about it!
During the summer? I fell off the blogging map a bit - Gorgeous weather made for lots of outside play time (not complaining about that!!) and activities (lots from the Summer of Fun Chart!). It also meant no baking or organizing. Seriously - who wants to turn on the oven or empty and sort out a closet when it's 30C outside and there is a waterpark to visit?!
The weather in my neighbourhood today!
After a ridiculously amazing month of September, Fall has finally arrived here! With Fall come cooler temps and lots and lots of rain. What does that mean for us? More inside play time - and time to cook, bake and organize once again!
I also finally decided to put together a plan and a schedule for my little blog. Instead of just flying by the seat of my pants and posting whatever came to me on any given day, I'm hoping to set a (fairly) regular blogging plan.

I'm hoping to post:
Mondays - Menu Plan Monday (this is the one vein of posting that I actually kept up with through the summer!)
Tuesdays - Simple Living Lessons - more about this tomorrow!!
Wednesdays - Recipe Day! Be it a cookie, cupcake, freezer meal, breakfast or other easy recipe, I'll hopefully be able to post one awesome new recipe per week.
Thursdays - Organizing Post
Friday - Sunday - Lifestyle Post - might be a family photo, a craft, who knows??

I even made up a calendar from here to the end of the year with the plan set out for each week. To keep me on track and motivated, I am starting two challenges where I will post progress updates each week.
Hopefully you will like the direction the blog is heading and that you all will keep reading! I certainly LOVE all of the blog love you give me, both on the Facebook page and on the blog itself.
Thanks for reading!!

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