Monday 22 October 2012

Menu Plan Monday - October 22,2012

What an amazing weekend!! We did a Fall photo shoot with the fantastic Alana Joy Photography on Saturday - the weather even held out for us! It may have been freezing cold, but the cloudy skies and lack of rain made for some amazing photos. When we get them back I'll be sure to share them with you. Anyone out here in the lower mainland should really book photos with her, she does a great job!
Soaking wet, in the pouring rain, but still a smile on her sweet face!
Last week Miss A and her classmates went on a field trip to Dave's Orchard. The weather was less than lovely that day, but it didn`t matter. She and her little buddies had a great time picking vegetables and learning about farm life. This week`s menu plan will include the veggies she brought home! Corn, potatoes, carrots, turnips, apples and pears. Oh how I love fall!
On the Menu This Week:
Monday - Shake n Bake chicken, rice and Rachel Salad
Tuesday - Roasted root veggies (from the field trip!!), corn and roasted ham
Wednesday - Lasagne Wednesday!
Thursday - Guinness Brats, scalloped potatoes and beans
Friday - Pizza and Rachel Salad
Saturday - Eating at the THREE parties we have that day!
Sunday - Teriyaki Salmon, rice and vegetables
I will be linking up my menu plan with Org Junkie`s Menu Plan Monday. Stop by and check it out for tons of recipe ideas!!

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