Monday 15 October 2012

Menu Plan Monday - October 15, 2012

Well it seems that fall has finally arrived here in the lower mainland of BC. The last two days have been rainy and grey and miserable - perfect weather for fall! I may actually get some organizing and cooking done this week!!
We spent the weekend at a friends wedding, where there were a few rays of sunshine so the bride and groom could take some lovely photos.
Our plans for the pumpkin patch had to be cancelled because of the massive amount of rain that fell on Sunday.
This week I am planning on trying a new crock pot recipe, if it turns out as fantastic as it looked on pinterest, I'll share it with you!
On the Menu
Monday - Pineapple chicken, stir fried veggies and quinoa
Tuesday - Freezer Cooking Day! Chicken Tetrazzini is on the menu, and we'll have some for dinner.
Wednesday - Turkey Meatloaf, perogies, beans and salad
Thursday - Teriyaki salmon, steamed veggies and rice
Friday - Pumpkin carving event at church, pizza for dinner!
Saturday - Tortellini with boursin sauce and prawns
Sunday - Pumpkin Patch Day! Dinner with friends after!

I will be linking up to Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday - stop by and check it out!

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