Monday 24 September 2012

Simple Living - Book Review and Giveaway!!

Happy Monday Everyone!
I am lucky enough to have been able to review a fantastic new ebook called Simple Living: Thirty Days to Less Stuff and More Life by Lorilee Lippincott. Lorilee also wrote the amazing 321-Stop, which I was lucky enough to review back in March.
Lorilee Lippincott is a full-fledged miminalist. She and her family live in an apartment with just enough stuff to live their lives every day - not bogged down with extra stuff to clean and care for. Lorilee and her kids get to experience LIFE every day.
If you have ever thought about minimalism (or my version - minimalish!) or feel over whelmed by the stuff in your life, this ebook is perfect for you! This crash course of 30 steps has small assignments for each step.
Each step will propel you on your journey to live with what you need for an intentional life. This allows you to make the space in your life to do the things you truly love to do!
Over the next eight weeks I plan on following along with the challenges in Simple Living: Thirty Days to Less Stuff and More Life. I will wait until after the half marathon and trip to Hawaii of course!! I have been on my own Minimalish journey for a while now, but I feel like this book has given me a new focus and resolve to clear the clutter and enjoy life with my husband and kids.
For this week, Lorilee is offering this fantastic ebook, available on Amazon for the awesome price of $0.99! Grab a copy and tell your friends! It's a great book, and the challenges are easy to do (who thought of decluttering your underwear drawer?? It's one of the first challenges on the list!) and will make a big impact!
Who is ready to come on this journey with me? I ill be giving away a copy of this awesome book to one lucky reader - Leave a comment at the end of this post to be entered. The winner will be chosen at random on Wednesday, Sept 26. Good luck everyone!!


  1. sounds like a great book..a great blog post again rach..

  2. Wow! Very proud of you Rachel! How you get all this done never fails to amaze me! Keep it up, you inspire me:-) -janelle

  3. Minimalism....really? prove it ! need help :) :)

  4. Great words yet again, Rachel!! Excited to follow you through these challenges!

  5. love your blogs Rachel, i try hard to de-clutter but its so hard. You inspire me
    Erin Heutink

  6. I like the blog post this week, and yes, everyone needs to declutter!!!

  7. Love the idea of minimalish!! Way more my style!! Would love a copy of the book to check it out ;). Fiona

  8. Sounds great - you definately inspire me - a few rooms though not sure about!!lol At least one Wynne is a minimalist!

  9. Rachel, your tenacity to get things done and organized is amazing.
    Even though I can never keep up, I love the ideas and am always inspired by you.
