Monday 24 September 2012

Menu Plan Monday - Sept 24, 2012

Hello everyone! I hope you all have had a chance to check out Simple Living: Thirty Days to Less Stuff and More Life. The giveaway is on! Leave a comment on the book review post to be eligible to win a copy of this amazing book. Great news! Lorilee sent me an email this morning, and I'm actually allowed to give away THREE copies of her book!
This is the last week I have to train for the Surrey World Music Half Marathon – the race is on Sunday. 
An hour or so after we cross the finish line, we have to head to the airport for our week long, kid free vacation in HAWAII! YAY! We have never been to Hawaii before, and have never left the kids behind on a vacation, so it’s a B-I-G deal for us!
I’m hoping to have a few posts pre-written for the week while we are away, but the way this week is shaping up, I might be taking a blog vacation too!
On the Menu This Week:
Monday: Vegetarian Tacos
Tuesday: Tex Mex Pasta with garlic bread (using the leftover taco meat and veggies)
Wednesday: Beef and Broccoli stirfry with quinoa
Thursday: Butter Chicken and Rice
Friday: Pizza and Salad
Saturday: Pasta with Chicken
Sunday: Run 21.1 km, rush home, shower and Leave for Hawaii!!! I’ll grab what I can on the way!
I'll be linking up to Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday, if you are looking for menu ideas, recipes and organization tips, you should check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I didn't think I'd meet another person from Surrey from Menu Plan Monday! Your menu sounds delicious, and have fun in the marathon!
