Monday 17 September 2012

Menu Plan Monday - Sept 17, 2012

This is the lovely view I have on my 10km morning route,
at the halfway point, from a little bridge, so lovely!!
The countdown is ON! In less than two weeks I will be on the run in a half marathon, and then jetting off to Hawaii for our very first kid-free vacation! I’m trying my very very best to NOT go grocery shopping until after we get back from our vacation. I think with the exception of milk and bread, I should be ok!
To eat from the freezer and pantry this week may take a little creativity, and a lot of planning, but I think we can do it!
On the Menu This Week:
Monday: Take out! Baba is coming over with dinner for the girls, the hubs and I are going out
Tuesday: Dinner out – we have to run down to the trailer tomorrow, so we’ll be grabbing food on the way
Wednesday: Shake n Bake chicken breasts, pasta with veggies, garlic bread

Thursday: Vegetarian taco enchilada bake (made with ground round)
Friday: Brinner (this keeps going on the menu plan and then something comes up and we don’t have it!!
Saturday: Down at the trailer – Steak, potatoes and corn on the cob!
Sunday: Dinner party at our place! Bacon wrapped turkey breast, cheesy potatoes, stuffing, veggies and garlic bread. Pie for dessert!
I will be linking back to Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday - check it out!!

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