Friday 14 September 2012


Totally gratutious photo of my cutie pies
Hey guys, I’m sorry I’ve been kind of MIA for the past few weeks! Time has just flown by and between the start of school and the continuing great weather (read-kids playing outside, mommy not inside organizing or baking!) I feel like the blog has been left behind a little!

I was hoping that with back to school, the kids would fall back into our school time routine (get it, FALL back in? Haha... no?) but no such luck. The kids have been fighting to stay awake and yet refusing to go to bed because the other kids are still outside playing!

I have a ton of organizing projects all ready to start up and a bunch of new recipes and freezer meals to start, but until we get a few days of crappy weather keeping us inside, I just don’t know if it’s going to happen!

I’m also getting ready for the half marathon in SIXTEEN days, a trip to Hawaii that night, Thanksgiving when we get back and a wedding the following weekend! Not that I’m complaining – I’m so blessed to have all of these wonderful things happening, and be surrounded by amazing family and friends throughout. I just haven’t been able to get anything else done in the meantime!

I hope your back to school and back to fall and back to real life after the summer has been going well! Hopefully you’ll be able to join me for some fall organizing projects!

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