Monday 10 September 2012

Menu Plan Monday -Sept 10 2012

Back from another camping weekend away! We had a blast taking the girls horseback riding (no tears this time!!), swimming and mini-golfing. Sorry for the Iphone pics, I forgot my camera this weekend!! 
Got to spend my day on Sunday with an old friend and celebrate her little bundle of gorgeous joy, Isabella.
Look, Miss A's Famous!! She's on a bus stop!!
This week is already in full swing – Miss A is back to her Irish dancing classes starting tonight, so the menu planning for this week started last night.

I found a delicious new recipe on my favourite time-sucker that I am trying out tonight. All of the ingredients were simple, I had them all in my pantry. I’ll post the recipe and a review later this week if it’s a hit!

On the menu this week:
Monday: Crock Pot Honey Chicken with quinoa and stir fried veggies
Tuesday: Perogies, Turkey Meatloaf and steamed veggies
Wednesday: Beef in black bean sauce, rice and roasted peppers
Thursday: Turkey ham, scalloped potatoes, stuffing and beans
Friday: Baking Night! Easy dinner! Chicken and cheese quesadillas
Saturday: Dinner out!
Sunday: Going to the ZOO! Dinner out again!

I’ll be linking up to Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday, come by and check it out!

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