Monday 3 September 2012

Back to Reality Menu Plan

Can you believe summer is over? I can't!! The weather today is looking a little fall-like, so I guess back to school really is happening tomorrow!
Today we have spent the day finishing off the last of the back to school checklist, and now the outfits are laid out, the boots and backpacks are at the front door, and the snacks are sorted and ready to fill the girls lunch bags!
Now that we are back to some semblance of normal, it's time to get the menu back to normal too.
On the menu this week:
Monday: Butter Chicken and Rice
Tuesday: Homemade fish and chips
Wednesday: Calzones with fries
Thursday: Brinner! Pancakes for the kids, bacon and eggs for us!
Friday: Back down to the Ranch! Dinner out on the drive down
Saturday: Turkey burgers, corn and potatoes
Sunday: Dinner out on the way home!!
I'll be linking up at Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday - check it out! Lots of great ideas and recipes!

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