Tuesday 11 September 2012

Back to School - Check!

YAY! We all know how much I love to tick things off on my to do lists!
Label – One night last week I spent the evening with my labels and the school supplies and watched one of my fave movies ever – OFFICE SPACE! It made the time fly by while I labelled every pencil, marker, crayon, pair of scissors, back pack and shoe!
Shoes - All the shoes had the price tags and connector cables removed, shoe labels added, and were placed neatly by the front door, all ready for school on Tuesday.
Backpacks - The backpacks were labelled and filled with the appropriate school supplies for each little one.
Lunches - Miss E only needs snacks for her stint at preschool, and she’ll eat anything and everything. Miss A however is a different story - during dinner this week, we brainstormed ideas for her school lunches. We didn’t come up with many options, but we have a few go-to’s – bagel with cream cheese, mac n cheese in a thermos, tortilla filled with cheese, plus the usual snacks: yogurt tubes, Babybel cheese wheels, cheese strings, crackers. We’ll have to see how it goes!
Haircuts - Miss E didn’t need a haircut – her crazy curls are perfectly crazy all on their own! Miss A however needed her hair cut, so she got new bangs a trim at the back – and she loved it!
School Clothes - After clearing out the summer clothes that they have worn or grown out of from the drawers, and added the newly acquired birthday clothes, the girls are all ready for the first day of school. I love all of the pick-the-clothes-for-the-week organizing ideas on blogs or Pinterest, but the weather in my neck of the woods is unpredictable, so we usually just wake up and decide what to wear based on what Mother Nature is giving us that day!

YAY! Everything was checked off and ready for the first day of school! I even made it through the first day without tears!!

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