Sunday 3 June 2012

300+ Item Purge COMPLETE!

Alright, I thought it was going to be tough purging another 300 items from our house. Surprisingly though - it didn't take long at all! My brother made a comment on my facebook post about our weekend project that there would be nothing left. Well little brother, I managed to get well past my 300 item goal without even attempting to purge in my own closet, the kitchen or the kids toy room.
I am so proud of my girls! On Friday night, I had them contained (in the bath) and brought a BIG basket of stuffed animals in to them. I held each one up one by one and Miss A & Miss E were REALLY good about adding toys to the donate pile! I was really really impressed!! I did end up vetoing a couple of Miss E's picks for sentimental reasons (and because I know that she will likely be asking for that specific toy all of ten minutes later!).
I started in Miss E's room. Now that it's time to change over to summer clothes, and since she has finally grown a couple of inches, it was time to dig into the big bin of Miss A's hand-me-downs. I reorganized her closet so that all of her pretty dresses were hanging on a shelf that she can reach and purged a ton of clothes that she has finally grown out of - this child has been wearing size 2 clothes for almost two years!!
While updating Miss E's clothes with size 3 dresses, I decided to go through the three huge vacuum sealed bags of baby clothes that I had been storing in her closet. Since our family is complete now with two princesses, it was time to let go of the vast majority of the baby clothes. I did keep a couple of my favorite baby girl outfits and shoes for the girls keepsake boxes, but managed to make my 300 item + challenge by purging over 300 baby items alone!
Altogether, between Miss A, Miss E and I, we managed to purge over 450 things from the house! While we were working together, I told the girls about William Morris' quote: 
Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.  
It really helped the girls to put into perspective that they need to pass on to other children toys that they do not play with any more, and clothing that could benefit another child. The girls were really receptive, but Miss E did keep stopping to ask if we could keep her Big Brown Bear and her favorite board game. So sweet!
How was your weekend? Did you challenge yourself to clear the clutter?!

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