Saturday 2 June 2012

300 Item Purge - Weekend Project!

The weather out here is back to cloudy and gross, so the girls and I have undertaken a MASSIVE challenge for the weekend. Remember a few weeks ago when we spent 15 minutes on our first 100 Item Purge? We gathered up 100 Items that we didn't use or love in our house and put them in the donate pile and sent them on their merry way. It was fast and easy and we had a great sense of accomplishment when we cleared out some of the clutter.

This weekend, since the hubs is under the weather, the girls and I are going to EACH purge 100 Items from the house. It's time to do a changeover from winter to summer clothes, so I'm sure a good few items for each of the kids will come from the clothes that they have outgrown. I'm hoping that the girls will also be willing to part with at least a few stuffed animals.

I plan on clearing out our drinking glass cupboards, a few more items from my clothes closet, and some books. I'm sure it won't take long to get to 100 items each!
Check in with us later this weekend to see the progress that we make! Do you have a weekend project to share? Let us know, maybe we can organize together!

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