Monday 4 June 2012

Can't Wait for Dinner on Saturday!

Well, after a crazy weekend where the girls and I purged over 400 items from our house, it’s another fun, busy, exciting week ahead!
Last week I tried a new macaroni and cheese recipe that my friend Leta passed on to me. I don’t know if it was the type of cheese that I used, or if I put the recipe together wrong, but the hubs and the kids were not big fans. It’s strange, because I have had it when Leta made it, and it was delish, so it was clearly a user problem with that one!
I am working on a big exercise week this week – boot camp three times and running three times (I’m hoping that by writing it down it’ll actually happen!!) so I am trying to plan meals that are healthy, balanced and full of protein. We’ll see how it goes!

I’m going to try to clear out my freezer meals this week and then add some new recipes in the next few weeks. 

On the Menu:
Tuesday: Beef Enchilada Bake & Cheese Quesadillas
Wednesday: Lasagne Wednesday!
Friday: The hubs will be away, so the kids and I will be having BRINNER! Breakfast for dinner!
Saturday: Since the boys are away golfing, the ladies will get together for a lovely Lobster Pasta in White Wine Cream Sauce
Sunday: Matinee Movie and dinner out with the family
I will be linking up my menu plan to Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday – tons of recipes and meal ideas. I’m definitely going to be checking out some new recipes to use in the next few weeks!!

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