In Vancouver every year 50,000+ people all come together and run/walk in the 10km Run Run. Having attempted the insanity and claustrophobic madness that is the Sun Run about ten years ago, I knew that it absolutely was NOT for me.
I also knew that if I didn't have a race to train for, inevitably I would stop running and just become my lazy self again. So I signed up for the UBC Run for Rural Medicine. And trained. And trained. And trained some more.
Last weekend was the BIG DAY! In preparation for the run, my girls made signs to help motivate Mommy.
The weather was phenomenal. It was actually warm, there was not a cloud in the sky. This was the view I had at the start of the race.
It was a small race, probably no more than 75-100 runners. Runners had a choice of a 5km route or a 10km route. I think about 25 runners did the whole 10km.
My goal was to run most, if not all of the race ~ and I DID! I walked for a minute near the beginning to take my hoodie off because it was so warm, and then another minute around the 7km mark to let the hubs know to meet me at the finish line!
While I was running, Brett brought the girls to a little duckpond at the beach. It was so beautiful there!
Here I am at the FINISH LINE!!! I finished the race in 1:13 - not very fast (the hubs runs his 10km in about 52 minutes) but I'm more than happy with it!
Here I am with Eila at the end of the Race.
After the race, we celebrated with brunch.....Now it's time to figure out when the next challenge/race will be!

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