Friday 10 August 2012

Summer Vacation Hiatus

Did you miss me? Sorry I've been MIA for the past week!
We took a family camping trip, and while the hubs came home after three days, the girls and I stayed away for SIX days!! I brought my laptop with me with plans of downloading and editing photos and posts and running down to the pool where there is free wifi to publish posts about our organizing exploits (more on those to come!!) 
but instead we played, had campfires and partied with all our aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents!

We put up the up-cycled pallet sign I made last week for the trailer!
While we were away, we did lots of swimming...
Playing on the monkey bars....
Swinging on the swings...
Playing on the BMR train...
Making and eating s'mores....
We discovered this amazing thing... COOKIE BUTTER! My sister hulled strawberries, filled them with this wonderous concoction of cookie and butter and dipped and drizzled them in chocolate. I know, I know, not the usual camping food - but it was amazing...
After all of the cousins and aunties and uncles went home we even had time for an impromptu photo shoot near the playground....
 Miss A and Miss E and their bestie Miss K had fun posing for the camera, as you can tell!
And another one...
 Miss A is turning SIX next week, so the next week of posts will be all about the party planning, decoration crafting and cupcake baking!  Hope you`ll enjoy it all!!

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