Sunday 12 August 2012

Summer Menu Plan

Can you believe summer is almost over??? I can't! I have SO MANY things to do in the next three weeks before school starts. Heck, my list between today and next Sunday morning is two pages long!
Miss A's 6th Birthday Party is this weekend. Per her request, we shall be having a Hello Kitty Cupcake Decorating Party. Miss A picked out all of the decorations and desserts while browsing Pinterest with me one evening.
The week ahead has almost no hope of a true menu plan. We are off on a mini-vacation for a couple of days, then it's back to town to finish everything off for the party.
On The Menu This Week
Monday: Greek Chicken Breasts, perogies & Rachel Salad
Tuesday: Salmon with rice and veggies
Wednesday: Going to the Waterslides!! Something terribly unhealthy will be on the menu I am sure!!
Thursday: Camping! Turkey burgers and corn on the cob
Friday: Camping! Turkey Smokies and chopped veggies
Saturday: Getting ready for the party! Probably going to be sushi tonight
Sunday: Family BBQ for Miss A's birthday!
As you can see, not a whole lot of cooking on the menu this week, but lots of fun times, and plans to completely enjoy the last few weeks of summer!
Check in through the week, I'm hoping to post all of the crafty Hello Kitty party decorations we are making!
I'll be linking up to Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday... I'll definitely have to spend some time on her site looking for menu ideas this week!

1 comment:

  1. Well, aren't you confident, planning two days of camping before the big event! I admire that. Visiting from MPM. Enjoy the fun times.
