Sunday 13 May 2012

What to Make for Dinner When It's Sunny Outside?!

Red Velvet Cupcakes - recipe to come this week!!
Oh what a glorious weekend! The weather here is amazing, it got up to 26 degrees yesterday! 
DIY Decorative Flower Pots - great teacher gift idea!! 
We spent the entire weekend with a relaxed schedule, but surrounded by wonderful family and amazing friends.  The girls made their own flower pots for Nanny, Baba, and their aunties for Mother's Day!
My lovely girls and the presents they spoiled on Mama!
The girls and the hubs spoiled me rotten and took extra special care of me this weekend ~ home made presents from school, and the girls each bought me a present - a watch from each of them! Aidyn said I needed a pretty watch because I don't wear a watch. Eila decided that I needed a watch for when I exercise, so she picked a purple one! Such sweet girls I have!
With the long weekend coming up, and a week of glorious weather ahead of us, our menu this week includes a lot of my pre-cooked freezer meals. That way, when I get home from work I can play outside with the kids instead of slaving away in the kitchen.
Here's what we will be having this week:
Monday: Salmon with Pasta and Veggies
Tuesday: Pulled Pork Calzones (freezer menu item!)
Wednesday: Lasagne Wednesday!
Thursday: Tourtiere (Last time I made 8 of these for the freezer!)
Friday: Chicken strips and fries
Saturday: BBQ burgers with roasted potatoes & veggies
Sunday: Baked Ziti
I hope you all have a wonderful week! Check back tomorrow - I'm hoping to have the post for the Red Velvet Cupcakes ready to go!!
I will be linking up with OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday - check it out for menu ideas, recipes and other great tips!

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