Thursday 10 May 2012

Ten Minute Tidy Part 3!

Ten Minute Tidy!
One last ten minute project for the week - this time the task was to tame the pile of not-yet-unpacked suitcases and bags that was starting to get a little crazy beside my bed.
Earlier in the week I did a quick tidy of the master bedroom walk-in closet, and sorted out the mess under the bathroom sink.
Every time we pack up for a day out, or the kids go on a sleepover, inevitably the bag full of swimming supplies or the kids suitcases from a sleepover at Baba's end up in our room. 
I gathered up my helpers, Miss A and Miss E, and put THEM to work! The girls each put their clothes back in their drawers, while I emptied the shampoo and other goodies from the swimming bag.
We finished the project so quickly, I managed to tidy the ottoman, clear off the nightstand and put my helpers to work dusting the bedroom furniture.
My lovely helpers also managed to pack their bags for another sleepover this weekend! Such social butterflies!
AAAAHHHH A Nice Clean Room Once Again!
How did you spend your week? Finish off any nagging projects?

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