Tuesday 8 May 2012

Ten Minute Tidy Part 1

Ten Minute Tidy!

Well, I took 30 minutes this week and got to work on three different areas of the house that have been nagging me for a little attention.
First up? My master closet. Now, since there was only ten minutes for this task, and I am not ready to do a total overhaul (even though it definitely needs an overhaul)is the master bedroom walk in closet.
I asked for slimline velvet hangers for Christmas (I know, Little Miss Practical) but I haven't switched over all of the clothes in the closet yet. Mostly because the hubs has a ridiculous amount of clothes, and partially because I'm lazy!
In my ten minutes, I removed all of the old cheapie metal hangers and the yucky plastic ones that were sitting empty in the closet. The last time I did a big cleanout in the fall, for some reason I kept the empty hangers, just in case. I need to be done with "just in case."

First things first: Empty out the space. I grabbed the clothes and purses from the racks and did a quick run-through. 
I purged six purses, and put the rest in the wooden chest under the rack.
Next, I pulled the empty hangers that were between the clothes and added them to the recycling pile.
I quickly put the clothes back onto the rack, trying to keep like colors together. I plan to hang my jeans and pants, but that project will have to wait for another day!
It's almost time to switch out my fall/winter clothes for the summer selection. When the weather is finally warm enough for the change, I will embark upon organizing the rest of the closet. I may even convince the hubs to get to work on his massive collection of clothing. It's insane!


  1. Only ten minutes?! Great work :)

    1. Thanks! I don't have a ton of clothes anymore, so it didn't take long to switch out the hangers!
