Monday 7 May 2012

A Week of Freezer Meals!!

Our sweet family, all dressed in our Sunday best!
Another wonderful weekend has passed by all too quickly! We were lucky enough to have a mostly kid-free weekend – my parents brought the girls away to their trailer down in the states for a weekend of shopping and swimming and making memories.
You would think that a kid-free weekend would mean a whole bunch of cleaning, organizing, cooking and baking. HA! We got absolutely nothing done around the house. We didn’t even do the laundry!
I did manage to help a friend with a cake for her little guy – well, I held her new baby while she decorated the cake!! I’m really looking forward to this weekend ~ Mother’s Day! We are doing two separate family dinners, on Saturday and on Sunday, so it should be lots of fun.
For the rest of the week, I’m going to keep working on the kids to have a serving of fruit with their dinner and maybe beg, pay them, try to get them to try a vegetable or two (my hopes are NOT high on this one!!).
On the menu this week are items that I have mostly on hand from my last freezer cooking experience. In fact, all of the menu items for the weekdays except Monday are already cooked and ready to go, just needing side dishes and a salad to complete the meal!

Here's what we will be having this week!

Monday: Fish and Chips, recipe from here
Wednesday: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Beans 
Thursday: Pasta in Meat Sauce with Garlic Bread and Caesar Salad
Friday: Beef Enchilada Bake, Cheese Quesadillas for the kids
Saturday: Mother’s Day Dinner #1
Sunday: Mother’s Day Dinner #2
I will be linking up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday – check it out!!

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