I am not doing that again. After planning and following a weekly menu plan pretty strictly for the past three months, last week I decided to fly by the seat of my pants and just make whatever, whenever. I figured since I was on Easter break, and was off work for most of the week, that I would have no problem making nutritious, wonderful meals for my family.
WRONG. We ate leftovers from Easter dinner (not too bad). Pizza, then leftover pizza the next day. Then Kraft Dinner and Hot Dogs. Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these meals on an individual basis. However, lump them all into one week, and it’s bad, like really bad. Like I am craving a salad, bad.
This week upcoming is going to be another really busy week, but hopefully the menu plan I’ve got here will keep us on the straight and narrow, nutrition-wise.
Here’s what we’ll be eating this week:
Monday: Teriyaki Chicken breasts and a veggie stir fry
Tuesday: Baked Ziti Freezer Meal (recipe will be posted tomorrow!!)
Wednesday: Beef Tacos, Cheese quesadillas for the girls
Thursday: Leftover Baked Ziti, Caesar Salad
Friday: Going to see Coldplay in concert - dinner out!
Saturday: Aidyn’s Irish Dancing Performance, appies to be determined!
Sunday: Pasta with Prawns in a Boursin sauce, Rachel Salad
I will be linking my menu plan up at OrgJunkie`s Menu Plan Monday. Check it out! Tons of recipe and meal plan ideas!

sounds like a yummy munu!