Monday 12 November 2012

Menu Plan Monday - November 12, 2012

What an exciting weekend!! I was lucky enough to spend the weekend with some wonderful ladies shopping up a storm. I was armed with my Christmas list and bought Every. Single. Gift. on my list. 
Here was our luggage cart, after two days of shopping!!
I also picked up some great deals on pantry staples. With American Thankgiving in just a few weeks, I was able to get some great deals on stuffing mix, instant mashed potatoes and other goodies.
On the Menu This Week:
Monday: Spaghetti Alfredo with Chicken
Tuesday: Chicken Pot Pie
Wednesday: Lasagna Wednesday
Thursday: Beer battered fish and chips
Friday: Slow Cooker Cashew Chicken
Saturday: Take out of some sort!!
Sunday: Going to the Western Final! GO LIONS!! Dinner out with Friends!

I'll be linking up this week's menu to Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday - come check it out!!

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