Monday 26 November 2012

Menu Plan Monday - Nov 26, 2012

Good morning everyone! How was your weekend? We had a great time – ice skating, watching football and getting the last of our Christmas stuff done – cards, wrapping and decorations! This week I have a packed schedule, but I hope that by planning our menu that one stress will be taken off the table!
Sorry for the horrible photo quality, but this is last year's Basics for Babies donation!
The girls and I will be going to our family charity luncheon this weekend. Instead of exchanging gifts with our aunts, uncles and cousins, we take the money we would have spent on gifts (and then some!) and buy diapers, wipes, baby food and formula for a local charity (Basics for Babies). We have done this for a few year and between the yummy potluck lunch that we have and the outpouring of generosity, it is always an amazing day!
I think for the potluck I will try making a bulk cooking meal from my new cookbook (Not Your Mother’s Make Ahead and Freeze Cookbook). If the recipe turns out I will be sure to share it with you!

On the Menu This Week:
Monday: Teriyaki Salmon, with rice and veggies
Tuesday: Chicken Pot Pie
Wednesday: Lasagne Wednesday
Thursday: Stuffed Chicken Parmesan with roasted potatoes and veggies

Friday: Easy Quick Quiche
Saturday: Family Birthday Dinner
Sunday: Two Potlucks! One for brunch and one for dinner!

I will be linking my menu plan to Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday – Check it out for hundreds of menus and meal ideas!!

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