Sunday 18 November 2012

Menu Plan Monday - Nov. 19, 2012

What an amazing weekend. It had its ups (setting up our Christmas tree!) and its downs - our BC Lions lost the Western Final, and we were there to see it:(. 

This week I'm hoping to try out a few new baking recipes. Every year (this will be our 7th!) I host a Christmas cookie exchange with friends and family. We get together for appetizers, wine, and of course COOKIES!!
Everyone makes beautiful, delicious cookies and I can't wait to see what the ladies come up with this year. I am hopefully going to find time to test bake some cookies this week, starting with a chili hot chocolate cookie. If it turns out successfully, I'll be sure to share the recipe with you all!

On the menu this week
Monday: Chinese Food
Tuesday: Slow Cooker Chicken Bolognese
Wednesday: Butter Chicken Lasagne (I don`t have a recipe for this one, I`m just going to wing it.... the hubs saw someone make it on the food network, so I said I`d give it a shot!)
Thursday: Guinness brats, scalloped potatoes and beans
Friday: Chicken fajitas
Saturday: Eating out!
Sunday: Pasta with prawns in a boursin cream sauce

I'll be linking my menu plan up to OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday, come check out hundreds of recipes and menu ideas!!

1 comment:

  1. That pasta looks amazing! :) I have a menu Monday link up if you want to link up every week. Have a great week! Erin
