Thursday 29 November 2012

A Countdown to Christmas, Part 2 (The Advent Calendar)

My family loves Christmas, and all of the fun and exciting activities that go along with this wonderfully festive season.  We have a few fun ways that we get together and celebrate our countdown to Christmas, check out my last post about our Christmas reading countdown.

In order to plan and make sure to fit all of these fun, exciting activities in the 24 short days before Christmas. Last year I put together an Advent activity calendar, and today I am going to share it with you!

I found a big old picture frame, removed the glass and matting and got to work! I sprayed the glass with some frost spray paint, and wrapped the frame backing with Christmas gift wrap. Putting the spray side on the inside of the glass, I put the glass back on the frame and added the activity envelopes to the front of the glass.

I used little tiny envelopes from the dollar store, put some red cardstock on the front, cut out some little trees, punched out some pretty blue snowflakes and glued them all together. Then I used some velcro strips, cut them into little squares and used them to affix the envelope to the glass. This way we can detach and reattach the envelopes every year.

We named our Advent calendar Our Extraordinary Merry Christmas Countdown (after our fave song from the Glee Christmas CD).

I asked the girls to sit with me and think of all the fun things we wanted to do this Christmas. I printed out their suggestions, and then I got out my calendar, plugged in the events that require driving somewhere, or that all family members be present, and then put the rest randomly in the envelopes.

Each morning, as the girls eat their Yummy Mummy Oatmeal (recipe to come next week!)they get to open the daily envelope and see what fun activity we have planned. Just a tip!

Make sure you write down what is planned for each day - otherwise you might pull "have hot chocolate with marshmallows and sprinkles" and have neither hot chocolate nor marshmallows in the house!

Here are the plans for this year's Advent calendar - it's going to be fun, maybe you could join us for a date or two!

1. Go see a Christmas Movie together
2. Wrap up a new toy and gift it to charity
3. Make a paper chain and ornament for the Christmas Tree
4. Go to Starbucks for fancy hot chocolate
5. Make paper snowflakes and hang them in the window
6. Fill bags of food for the Christmas hamper


7. Have snowman pancakes for dinner
8. Take pictures with Santa
9. Go shopping for presents for each other
10. Elf Yourself day
11. Go to the Christmas train
12. Make a Christmas cookie tree
13. Drive around town in our jammies and check out the Christmas lights
14. Make a Christmas craft
15. Go to a Christmas party
16. Have hot chocolate with marshmallows and sprinkles
17. Make a bow wreath
18. Bake treats for the neighbours


19. Deliver cards and gifts to the neighbours
20. New Christmas socks for everyone!
21. Make a card for Daddy's stocking
22. Christmas music dance party
23. Bake a birthday cake for Jesus
24. Put carrots out for the reindeer and chips and cheesy salsa for Santa (Miss A's request!!)
I hope you enjoyed this post - I know I had fun putting it together!  I will hopefully be linking this recipe up to A Bowl Full of Lemons, Delightful Order, Doodles and Stitches and Joyful Homemaking

A Bowl Full of Lemons

1 comment:

  1. I love advent calendars. This is adorable. Thanks for linking up at Doodles & Stitches :)
