My kitchen gets a LOT of action. I make about 15 full dinners a week (since my kids don't actually eat the same dinner I make for the hubs and I) and I bake two to three times a week. My oven is on all day and night some days - it takes many hours to bake 200+ cupcakes! The end result of all of this baking, cooking and frozen pizza heating is a really, really nasty looking oven.
I absolutely HATE using my self-clean option on the oven. I hate that it takes four hours, that it puts my smoke detectors on overdrive and it makes my entire house smell like ash. I am also not a fan of using harsh chemicals to clean the oven. The last time I used those I thought my throat was closing up on me! So, I took to Pinterest to find an all natural (and hopefully cheap!) way to get my nasty oven clean.
The only two ingredients in my cleaning arsenal this afternoon were extremely inexpensive and items I have on hand all the time - white vinegar and baking soda. I used almost an entire box of baking soda for this project, but I think that's likely because my oven was so gross!
I just took the baking soda and layered a large amount all over the surfaces on the oven, inside the door, on the base of the oven.
Then poured a bunch of white vinegar all over the surfaces. The powder/vinegar combo sizzles a little when the ingredients combined.
I set the timer for 20 minutes, and took a little puzzle break with my kitchen helper. When the timer buzzed, it was time for the elbow grease.
I'm not gonna lie, it took a LOT of elbow grease to get the mess out of my oven. Make sure you have some old kitchen cloths to do the scrubbing, because they will need to be trashed after! I probably scrubbed for a good 20-30 minutes to get all of the gunk off.
However, a total time commitment of an hour (from baking soda to waiting and scrubbing) and my oven was clean without my house smelling like chemicals or smoke!
When the oven door dried, there was a little bit of white residue from the baking soda/vinegar, but it wiped away easily with a wet cloth. Thanks for stopping by for a read today! Hope these little tips can help your kitchen to sparkle!

Linking to Joyful Homemaking, Not Just a Housewife and A Bowl Full of Lemons.