Monday 8 April 2013

Menu Plan Monday - April 8, 2013

I made these lovelies for my sister's baby shower on the weekend!
Hello my internet friends!! I hope you are having a fantastic Monday! After a crazy weekend filled with birthday parties and baby showers, and a week off of menu planning, today I’m back with a plan – one that I hope I can stick to!!

I have been menu planning for about a year now and I can definitely see how much it has helped my family stay organized and on track. It only takes a few short minutes to create a plan for the week, and when we stick to it, it means less eating out or last minute frozen pizza nights!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you all have a fantastic week!

On the menu this week:
Monday: Lasagne Monday!
Tuesday: Dinner Out for Me!! Grandma’s bringing the kids dinner!
Wednesday: Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry with Rice and Veggies
Thursday: Dinner on the go
Friday: BBQ Chicken breasts with potatoes and corn
Saturday: Brinner! Breakfast for dinner  
Sunday: Chicken Pot Pie

I’ll be linking my menu plan up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday – check it out!!


  1. hello just found your blog...Love it.!! Can you share the recipe for the icing on the above baby shower cupcakes and what piping equipment that was used. cathie

    1. Thanks for reading!! I just posted the recipe for the cupcake icing - here you go!!
