Monday 4 March 2013

Menu Plan Monday - March 4, 2013

Can you feel it? Spring is in the air!! After a horrendous downpour on Saturday, the sun shone all day yesterday! We played outside, the hubs took the kiddos on a bike ride to the park, I played outside before dinner. We took full advantage of those sun-shiny hours!!

This weekend we stuck to our menu plan! That never happens on the weekend – we are usually exhausted/lazy and just go out or order in for one of the nights. This weekend we were all home together and we feasted on home cooked meals. We even tried out a new Pinterest recipe and it was a success! It was a perfect weekend.

This weekend and for the next three weekends we are going to be an all-girl household! The amazing team of my husband, dad, brother and brother-in-law will be heading down to our cabin in the states to do some serious work! Since both my sister and my sister-in-law are expecting babies in the next few months, the men are heading out to get a summer’s worth of work done in four weekends! I’ve got some yummy, homemade meals planned for the next few Sundays for when the men arrive home!

On the menu this week:

Monday: Lasagne Monday!
Tuesday: Homemade pizzas
Wednesday: Fish tacos
Thursday: Perogies and sausage
Friday: Brinner! Breakfast for dinner
Saturday: Shake and bake chicken strips and French fries
Sunday: Tortellini with prawns in Boursin cream sauce

I’ll be linking my menu plan up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday – check it out!!

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