Monday 11 March 2013

Menu Plan Monday - March 11, 2013

What an amazing, sunny, productive weekend! I headed down to the cabin to put myself to work! I’m not a house builder, but I busied myself hauling lumber and supplies and cleaning the work site and helping to cook for the menfolk. It was super productive down there – look what we accomplished!!

We had a definite recipe success last week! Our Fish Tacos  turned out super delicious! I used the recipe for the batter/cooking from and just cooked up some peppers and onions and salsa, served with avocado and sour cream and it was fantastic! A definite recipe to try again.

After the time change over the weekend and the hard work at the cabin this weekend, I am super thankful that I took some time last week to create a menu plan for the entire month of March. Even though we may not stick to the menu every day, at least some semblance of a plan makes my life that much easier

On the menu this week:

Monday: Lasagne Monday!
Tuesday: Cashew Chicken with rice and veggies
Wednesday: Turkey Ham with mashed potatoes, peas and corn
Thursday: Curry Chicken and rice
Friday: Leftover Buffet!
Saturday: Brinner – Green Pancakes for dinner!
Sunday: Happy St Patrick’s Day! Dinner out at the pub!

I’ll be linking my menu plan up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday – check it out!!

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