Friday 15 March 2013

Kitchen Chaos - Week 2 Progress!

Hello my organizing lovelies, and my friends who have stopped by for a read today! Thanks for coming by to check out my progress with this month’s 31 Day Organizing Challenge! I started out last week with organizing my glassware cupboard.

In this week’s post I’m going to try to tackle the chaos in the kitchen cupboards where I store my mixing bowls, platters, and my pots and pans. I don’t think I have a lot of items to purge in these cupboards, but the area is in definite need of some organization.

I have a fantastically handy little brother, who comes to my rescue often. A few years ago when I complained that one of my cabinets had terrible shelving, he created some shelves and placed them close together to allow for additional storage. This allows me to put many more platters and serving dishes in the cupboard without the worry of them chipping and breaking from being stacked one on top of the other.

Tonight, after making my girls Shamrock shaped pancakes for dinner, I got straight to work on what was supposed to be two cupboards. You know how it is though... start a small project and somehow your organizing ADD takes over and all of a sudden you manage to sort through the chaos in four places? That's not just me, is it??

I started with the cupboard that holds my stainless steel bowl collection (I know, I have a ridiculous number, but I use them all a lot!!), platters and serving dishes and my crockpot. Step one: Empty the space completely, wipe down all the surfaces assess the storage situation. I managed to part with only one serving dish, but I use and love all the ones that are left, so I think I did ok!

After organizing the dishes and bowls by size and frequency of use, I was able to put them all back in the cupboard with room to spare.

The next planned space was the pots and pans and bakeware cupboard. I have one set of pots and four pans/skillets. I do however have seven cupcake pans, four round and three square pans, four loaf pans and a bundt pan. This doesn't include the specialty pans I store in the garage.

These are just my everyday baking pans, so they need to be nearby, easily accessible and most importantly, organized.

Voila! I laid down the last of my pretty contact paper on the two shelves and started reassembling the space. I added a couple of hooks to the inside of the cupboard to hold the awkwardly shaped attachments for the mixer. I also made use of my turkey pan to hold the lids for my pot set.
Next up? Tupperware. It seems like I sort this cupboard out at least once a month. If I could just get the hubs to put the lids back on the containers when he empties the dishwasher instead of chucking them in here I would be a happy mama. Until then, I guess it's going to be a space I tackle often.

The last organizing spot of the evening is one that I have wanted to tackle for ages. I made the mistake of buying horrible (really really horrible) microfiber cloths. Those had to go! I also managed to shove FIVE aprons into the same drawer that is supposed to hold my beloved handmade dishcloths. After purging about 1/3 of the items from the drawer, moving two of the aprons to another space in the house (I kept one each for me and the girls in the kitchen)and neatly folding the remaining cloths, I was finally happy with my dishcloth drawer. It's the little things that make a girl happy!

Wow! What was originally supposed to be a two cupboard mini-project turned into a bigger project. All in though, it was done in under an hour. A pretty successful Friday night if you ask me! I'm going to link my progress up to OrgJunkie's 31 Day Organizing party. There are some amazing transformations taking place over there, you should totally check it out!

Thanks for stopping my my little corner of the internet today! Have a great weekend!

Linking to Joyful Homemaking, Not Just a Housewife and A Bowl Full of Lemons.


  1. Wow, you are really hopping along with excellent progress! Good for you!

    I have a cool baby brother too, but mine fixes my computer. Aren't we blessed?!?

    Keep up the great work.


  2. Yea! Great progress! The hooks for the attachments is brilliant - I'm pinning that so I'll remember when I get to the kitchen re-org.

  3. Do you have room to put your tupperware in a drawer? Or can you put the lids in a basket/tub/bucket all together in the cupboard? That way he can toss with purpose!

  4. You accomplished a lot that evening. Good for you! You've worked through your steps very nicely. Love the idea of putting hooks for those attachments, and that cupboard with plastic lids and storageware just needs looking after from time to time. I haven't been successful keeping lids on the containers, but having a lid bin and doing a matchup/purge session once a year has really helped.

  5. Looks great Rachel!
