Sunday 17 February 2013

Menu Plan Monday - Feb 18, 2013

Hello world! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! The girls were invited to a birthday party at Build A Bear! I think they had more fun than the birthday girl! We also had a big family dinner to celebrate my brother and my sister’s birthdays.

I made some delectable double chocolate cupcakes and we all crashed from the sugar high early!

We have a crazy crazy crazy week ahead of us this week! Our little bean is turning F-O-U-R! I can’t even believe it. Remember last year, when I started this little blog? The bean turned three what seems like yesterday, and the year has just flown by!

Miss E picked a LalaLoopsy theme for her party this year, so this week I’ll be making crafts with buttons, cookies in the shape of buttons and a cake with LalaLoopsy dolls! I’ll post the goodies next week; it will be so much fun!

On the menu this week:
Monday: Chicken Macaroni Bake 
Tuesday: BBQ Chicken Breast, potatoes and veggies
Wednesday: Lasagne Wednesday
Thursday: Chicken Pot Pie from the Freezer
Friday: Pizza and Salad
Saturday: Dinner out
Sunday: Family BBQ dinner for Miss E’s birthday!

Thanks for swinging by for a read today!  I'm so happy you stopped by :)
I’ll be linking my menu plan up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday – check it out!!

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