Sunday 28 October 2012

40 Bags in 40 Days

Pinterest!! You all encompassing, totally addicting place of inspiration! You have done it again! Totally sucked me in! Have you ever typed “Organize” into the Pinterest search box just to see what you get? Here’s what I got: This-Crazy-Idea-That-Could-Just-Work!

The plan is to fill forty bags with excess “stuff” from our home to purge in forty days. I have mapped out forty places in the house where I can search for items to send out of the house. Some bags will be filled with donatable items, and will be sent off for a good cause. Other places, well I'm sure a good few bags on this purge will be filled with actual trash/recycling - you know old lotions and creams that need to be tossed, paper, paper and more paper that keeps creeping into the house... you know the drill, right? 

I have tried to do big purges before (quite successfully if I do say so myself!!) but this idea seems like it might be a fun (maybe?) way to coincide with the Simple Living Lessons that I am working through week by week.
Toy purge pile from a previous exodus from the house!
For the first week of the planned 40 bags in 40 days, I am going to tackle:
1. My "unmentionables" drawers (socks and undies)
2. B's "unmentionables" drawers (socks and undies)
3. Miss A's drawers
4. Miss E's drawers
5. The drawers and cupboards in the master bathroom

I'm sure hoping that I'll be able to sort it all out in the order of the list. We'll see how it goes!! Wish me luck!!

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