Thursday 16 August 2012

Look Who Turned SIX Today!

I can't believe that I am the mama to a SIX year old! Yes, today is Aidyn's sixth birthday!
We have come a LONG way from tiny little 7lb baby Aidyn.

Who remembers when she was this little?
Remember the chubby little baby legs? Where did they go?!
Now she's tall enough for almost all the rides at the waterslides, and can finally ride her two wheeler with no training wheels!
She likes LaLaLoopsy Dolls, Carly Rae Jepsen and One Direction, and playing school outside on the stoop with sidewalk chalk and her friends.
The girl who eats only three types of things for dinner, none of which are vegetables (chicken nuggets, pasta and cheese quesadillas), who seems to grow out of shoes and pants as soon as I buy them for her.
After a busy day at the waterslides yesterday, we slept in a little bit this morning, then it was time for the birthday festivities to begin!
On the way out, we had presents and hugs with our bestie,
Some photos outside with the family,
then it was breakfast out at her favorite restaurant - Ricky's for pancakes!
Next off to Nanny's house for hugs and love with cousin Bellamina.
I love my sweet little Aidyn a little more every day!

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