Monday 27 August 2012

Last week of Summer Dinner Menu

Well, it’s our last week of freedom and fun! School starts next week and life will get back to some semblance of normalcy. Hopefully our menu planning will get back to normal too!
In the past month I finally ran out of the freezer cooked meals that I made in a massive cooking batch back in APRIL! I only have one bag of beef taco mix left in the freezer. I think that means a massive freezer cooking session is going to be in the works for me soon.
This week I plan to start with some breakfast freezer meals. I’m going to make a big batch of Tex Mex Breakfast Burritos and some Breakfast Sandwiches
With the last long weekend of the summer coming up and another big family trip to the trailer this weekend, our menu this week will be pretty relaxed!
On the Menu this Week
Monday – Tex Mex Lasagne (using the last bit of beef taco mix!)
Tuesday - Perogies and Ukranian Farmer Sausage
Wednesday – Salmon with roasted veggies and steamed rice
Thursday – BRINNER! Breakfast for dinner! Pancakes for the kids, bacon, eggs and hashbrowns to the hubs and I!
Friday – Camping! Smokies and roasted veggies
Saturday – Camping! Steaks on the BBQ, corn and roasted new potatoes
Sunday – Camping! Turkey burgers, bacon roasted potatoes (recipe to come!)

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